Autonomy is sexy AF

Autonomy is sexy AF, do you, be your best self with authenticity, believe in yourself

Happy Warrior,

How are you doing in your relationship with your partner? With your job? Have you lost yourself? Maybe even just a little bit? Most of us have compromised or let go of pieces of our individual selves in order to be part of a couple, team, business, or family.

It may have started with great intentions! It felt good! You were all in! But over time that level of connectedness was not sustainable because you ended up letting go of parts of your core self. As time went on you forgot who you were, and what you wanted.

How do you get your mojo back? In the same way that losing yourself can be a slow chipping-away process, you can start building yourself back up with small decisions to prioritize what makes you feel good and do what you really want to do. Yes, it might make you or someone else uncomfortable at first, but it's a muscle you can strengthen over time. 

Autonomy is Sexy AF.

Sexy people know who they are, what they want, and prioritize a rich balanced life over being what others want them to be. Independence, confidence, and autonomy are all sexy characteristics. The key lies in balancing all areas of your life with love and compassion for everyone, including yourself.

If you want to stay aligned with your highest self in any relationship, personal or professional, you have to find a sense of autonomy and comfort in being alone, making your own decisions, and doing the things you love. Not only will you feel better, but others will feel liberated to explore their own autonomy and everyone will feel sexy, confident, and powerful.

Isn't that who we all want to be with?

Isn't that who we all want to be?

Choose Love,


Jami Bertini

A do-it-yourself personal development destination for people who want to take their game up a notch, build their self-confidence, and be a little happier.

Dreaming and Living Abundantly


What Keeps You Stuck?